Les Jolies Traductrices (LJT)

LJT Community

A passionate, 100% free community for exchanging ideas and networking with beauty translators from all over the world

(whether you consider yourself a beginner or an expert, because we all need to share our passion, to feel listened to and to help each other!)


years of existence (launch in September 2022)


members already with us on Discord


LinkedIn followers from all over the world

Beauty translation? That's your passion! But...

Perhaps there are times in your daily life as a translator when you feel quite alone behind your computer…

You appreciate your independence and freedom, but you’d like to share more with other fellow translators.

Be part of a supportive community

Yes, you want to feel more surrounded, to be able to ask your questions to people you trust, to benefit from their advice, and vice versa.

That’s normal: because alone we go faster, but together we go further!

Who am I?

My name is Floriane, I’m a translator since 2018, self-employed since 2021, and now a beauty translation mentor. My mission is to help translators specialize in cosmetics because I’m convinced that you can turn your passion into expertise.

I’ve translated various types of documents for world-renowned beauty brands, I’ve attended hours and hours of cosmetics training courses, I’ve read hundreds of books. And I’ve gathered over 100 members in the first version of the community.

You too can join the LJT Community!

The LJT Community is a passionate, 100% free community for exchanging ideas and networking with beauty translators from all over the world!

The community is based on a Discord server. You’ll find both written and voice chat rooms. The chat rooms are available in English and French.

The video below is only available in French at the moment, but I wanted to share some good vibes with you!

What does it actually look like?

The video below was recorded in 2022, at the birth of the Discord server. Some things have changed since then (the community has become bilingual, for example!), but this will give you a first glimpse of how it looks and works.

When you’ve decided to join us, just click on the button below!

PS : this video is only available in French at the moment.

Our partners

By joining the community, you can benefit from discounts with our partners!



Yes, of course! If you’re a student or are changing careers, you can join us too, because I’m convinced that we all have something to learn and something to share.

Of course you can! Specialization is an ongoing process, so there’s always something to learn. What’s more, you’ll be able to put your expertise to good use in the community!

I totally understand. Fortunately, the community is flexible, so you can get involved at your own pace!

Within the community, we speak English and French (in different chat rooms). However, you may need to quote terms or extracts from texts in another language to ask for advice on translation and terminology. In that case, the translators who speak that language will get back to you!

Yes, of course! The LJT Community was originally created for cosmetics translators, but it’s true that the worlds of fashion and cosmetics are intimately linked. So don’t hesitate to join us and chat about it!

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